It is hard to believe it is already June! As we head into the summer months, let’s get back to basics and remember some of the important aspects of being a New Orleans Job Corps Center staff member and an API employee They are as follows:
API's Vision and Mission
Alternate Perspectives Inc. is committed to creating a world where people respect themselves, respect others, respect their communities, and strive for excellence. We provide new ways of thinking, to create new ways of doing for our employees, clients, and communities and we are guided in our work by our values of Accountability, Performance, and Integrity. At the New Orleans Job Corps, this means always showing the utmost respect for fellow staff and our students and going out of the way to “get to a YES” by thinking outside the norms and developing better ways to do things. At the New Orleans Job Corps Center, excuses are not tolerated because we can always find a way to accomplish our goals.
According to Amy Morin (, there are many benefits to feeling and expressing gratitude. These include:
· Improved physical health
· Reduced aggression
· Improved self-esteem
· Increased mental health
Expressing gratitude can even help us sleep better! At the New Orleans Job Corps Center gratitude can drastically improve the center culture. I challenge you to a test. Choose three days and express your gratitude to five staff members or students in those three days and see what happens! I would love to hear from you!
There are many reasons why open communication between the center and the Corporation is important. It can:
· Promote diversity and inclusion
· Strengthen team bonds and cross-departmental understanding
· Enhance trust
· Facilitate collaboration
· Promote innovation
· Improve organizational performance
President Hansen and V.P. Markham value open communication and are very receptive to your thoughts and suggestions.
Employee Well-Being:
API prioritizes your well-being because a happy and healthy employee is an excellent staff member who can best serve our students. We strive to create a positive work environment, and our HR Director, Ms. Godin, is open to any ideas you may have for fostering a positive culture and a great work atmosphere.
Performance management is the method by which API engages with employees to assess their efforts and contributions to the New Orleans Center. It involves evaluating strengths and challenges and addressing any areas of improvement to help staff members grow and develop. Performance management is a valuable tool that allows managers to maximize their team's potential and helps individuals thrive in the workplace. Following the visit by the Dallas Region, we have identified areas for improvement to ensure top-notch performance from our exceptional team in New Orleans.
Getting back to basics is an essential concept that will help us proactively focus on the fundamental elements that truly matter. I believe in you and know you can do this!