Hello API Job Corps Centers,
This message will deal with performance, and a shout outgoes to our Shriver Center! Throughout the pandemic, they have been able to maintain a steady ranking in the top 50% of all Job Corps Centers and they continue to show improvement. The Director Team, led by CD Rackley, is outstanding. Please send them a congratulations email since we are family!! They have worked very hard and in a very short time handled two assessments, homeless returns, and resumption of operations. WHEW! Their hearts are in the work and the small things the Directors do instill pride and guide performance is amazing.
To perform, we must stay safe. Please be honest on your daily attestation forms, wear the darned mask, and social distance. No face-to face meetings or chats and please take care of each other. All our centers’ staff have the chance to get vaccinated and I hope you take advantage of this great opportunity.
Finally, tonight is the first Appy Awards presentations. API will bestow certificates of recognition, for “Above and Beyond” service and performance in the following areas:
Academic Instructor of the Month
Career Technical Training Instructor of the Month
Center Culture Creator of the Month – (SPO / SGA Coordinator / Recreation staff)
Counselor (or) CPP Staff of the Month
Student Success Story of the Month – (Job Placement - CTR – CTS)
Social Development Staff of the Month (RA’s and any member of Res / Rec)
Safety Success Story (Safety and Security but could be any staff)
Support Service Staff of the Month (Finance / Admin / HR)
I am so excited for all the winners and cannot wait to help present the awards. Please know, all of you are very much appreciated.
Next week we will focus on Westover and the following week on Wind River. Stay tuned.
Dr. Wild